Additional Product Information

SSH Access

          SSH Access refers to Jailed Shell type access and is disabled by default for security. SSH Access for Advanced Package purchasers can be enabled by submitting a request via ticket. We suggest that you wait until you get your new account credentials before opening a ticket for SSH Access. Here is an article on how to open a ticket.

Domain Transfers

          You can only transfer a domain if you already own it. Please do NOT pay to transfer a domain you do not own. You will NOT receive a full refund for payment to transfer a domain that is not properly owned or cannot be sucesssfully transfered if the service is purchased. This is due to the fact that every transaction including refunds incur a fee and the fees to cover a partial refund will be deducted from the total amount paid for the incorrect transfer purchase.

Walk Me Through It

          If the built in meeting time is exceeded, additional hours will need to be purchased at the pay as you go rate. During your dedicated month, no other clients will be able to go through the Walk Me Through It process with your URepHost guide. Your URepHost guide will be focused on helping you to achieve your goal of owning a legally legitimate business. This service is provided on a first come first served basis.
          The first steps of starting a business are crucial to get correct. One mistake could expose your personal information, allow people to come after your personal assets like your car, require you to dissolve your company, or have other costly legal repercussions. This service is recommended for those that have an idea and are ready to take the plunge into business ownership, but are not sure where to start or are interested in ensuring that everything is done in as safe and legal a manner as possible. This service will usher you from deciding on the business name, through filing all necessary paperwork and determining necessary account setup, to getting your official landing page online and publicly available. This service includes guiding you through putting your main website landing page online and making it legally compliant, which is why a hosting package and domain are required with this purchase. This service does not include a full website build out with multiple pages and complex functionality. You will have the opportunity to discuss what kind of website you need for your business as well as options for having your website built. You are responsible for and agree to pay the additional amount for any service exceeding the estimated cost. URepHost service costs are estimated costs, which are intended to serve as a guide for the actual cost of obtaining the services or goods as we move through the business creation process. This service is designed to be accomplished within 1 month of time. Any delay past the 1 month of dedicated focus in the business creation process, due to the client and not as a direct outcome of URepHost guidance, will result in the following. The 1 month of dedicated focus will be considered completed, any additional time needed to complete the creation of the business will require the purchase of Walk Me Through It - Pay As You Go Hourly time.
           We do not have control over the local or federal governments and therefore can not control whether or not applications are approved or rejected by legal entities such as the IRS, departments of revenue, corporation divisions, etc.. If your initial applications are rejected we will do our best to work with you to submit new applications at no additional charge. If two applications are rejected, we may determine that we are unable to assist you further. If we are unable to assist you further, you will be issued a refund minus the amount equal to the services already rendered, such as but not limited to, meetings, document preparation and filing fees.
           There are recurring costs to running a business. It is your responsibility to maintain the services and payments for the recurring costs to keep your business in good standing.

Little Help

          This service is recommended for those seeking general guidance and information regarding starting a business. The service is designed to help people that are generally establishing their business themselves, but may not be knowledgeable about some of the aspects associated with starting a business that can affect legitimacy of the business, their privacy and/or compliance. The people that will find the most value from this service are those that are interested in doing everything themselves and just need a little help along the way.
          Meetings for this service are 1 hour long by default, you may purchase additional hours to discuss a particular topic. Please do not purchase multiple hours to discuss multiple topics under one topic selection. For example if you want a little help with “Choosing an Entity Type” and with “Website Compliance”, please do not purchase 2 hours under either of these topics. In the example situation please add 1 hour under the “Choosing an Entity Type” topic to your cart and then add 1 hour under the “Website Compliance” topic to your cart.
          If you choose “Other” and specify a topic of discussion that we are not able to provide guidance on, you will receive a refund minus transaction fees and minus a $10 processing fee. You are always welcome to contact us to find out if the intended “Other” topic is within the scope of our ability to provide guidance on before making a purchase.
          This service is not meant for people seeking a detailed walk through of how to accomplish key business creation tasks. Due to the nature of this service, while URepHost guides will endeavor to provide guidance that benefit the client, URepHost can not and does not hold any responsibility for the outcomes resulting in the implementation or use of our guidance to make decisions. Business choices are ultimately the decisions of the client.

Do It For Me

          There will be an initial meeting to discuss the business that you are intending for us to set up on your behalf and to discuss what resources are available or need to be obtained. Further meetings will be restricted to situations where sensitive data needs to be entered, when signatures are needed or when URepHost requires clarity or sign offs through the process.
          The people that will find the most value in this service are those that want to hand the paperwork and setup details to someone else and instead focus their energy and time on progressing other aspects of their business. The people who can benefit from this service range from entrepreneurs that have an Ah Ha! moment and need a business set up to start making money legally, to already established owners/operators seeking to legitimize their business in a more official capacity. (An example of the latter could be someone that has been selling custom bracelets on a hand crafted sellers platform for the past 3 years. They have a logo they designed, an inventory of products, one or two social media accounts and a customer base. Now they are ready to have complete control over every aspect of their business and want to be officially and legally recognized as a business owner in their own right.)
          This service includes filing all necessary paperwork, determining necessary account setup, and getting your official landing page online and publicly available. Helping to ensure that your main website landing page is legally compliant is also included, which is why a hosting package and domain are required with this purchase. This service does not include a full website build out with multiple pages and complex functionality. You will have the opportunity to discuss what kind of website you need for your business as well as options for having your website built.
          We do not have control over the local or federal governments and therefore can not control whether or not applications are approved or rejected by legal entities such as the IRS, departments of revenue, corporation divisions, etc.. If your initial applications are rejected we will do our best to work with you to submit new applications at no additional charge. If two applications are rejected, we may determine that we are unable to assist you further. If we are unable to assist you further, you will be issued a refund minus the amount equal to the services already rendered, such as but not limited to, meetings, document preparation and filing fees.
          You are responsible for and agree to pay the additional amount for any service exceeding estimated cost. URepHost service costs are estimated costs, which are intended to serve as a guide for the actual cost of obtaining the services or goods as we move through the business creation process. There are recurring costs to running a business. It is your responsibility to maintain the services and payments for the recurring costs to keep your business in good standing.
          The Do It For Me service requires a level of trust between the client and URepHost. URepHost will endeavor to make decisions that best serve the client’s interests when setting up the business. This will require room to deviate when necessary. For instance if your business name is “My First Company” and we are setting up a social media account for you only to find out that @MyFirstCompany is already taken, we may decide to create the account with @My_First_Company or @MyFirstCo in order to get the social media account established. If there are a number of agents that provide a specific service, URepHost may determine that one agent that costs amount $A is better than an agent providing the same service, but costs amount $B and upon choosing that agent you will have a recurring business fee with the agent costing amount $A on some regular payment cycle. If you do not agree with the level of flexibility that is expected for this service to be rendered appropriately, please do not purchase this product. Instead we recommend considering the Walk Me Through It service. This service is designed to be as hands off as possible in order to free you up to spend your time and efforts on other aspects of your business. This service is not intended for those seeking explanations for decisions made during the business set up process. Explanations regarding the process or decisions being made will require the purchase of Walk Me Through It - Pay As You Go Hourly time.

SEO Audit / Update

          Place holder

Website Software Update

          This service includes pre-update core checks, a pre-update backup, performing the update itself, post-update core checks, post-update adjustments, post-update backup restoration and a post-update restoration report. Pre/post-update core checks include, a core navigation check to the home page, main service or main store page, about page, checkout page and contact page. Proper button functionality checks, for up to 5 buttons. Website layout checks where the overall page layout will be evaluated for large shifts in the core navigation pages. Picture checks on the website's core navigation pages to ensure they are still appearing appropriately. Technical checks on core navigation pages, which will be reviewed for error messages or the appearance of unintended public facing code. If applicable, a product check will be performed. A product will be selected at random and added to the cart, the cart will be viewed and the checkout page will be viewed for accuracy of product selected, the appearance of a price and the availability of at least one payment option. No actual purchase will take place. Post-update adjustments, post-update backup restoration and a post-update restoration report are provided as necessary. Post-update adjustments refer to changes that need to be made to the website in order to fix broken pictures, remove unintended public facing code, and resolve error messages. Post-update backup restoration and a post-update report are provided in the case that a software update fails and post-update adjustments can not rectify the situation. If no issues are found with the website after a successful update then the post-update adjustments, post-update backup restoration and a post-update restoration report will not be necessary. Each website is unique and contains its own settings, configurations and software combinations. Since this is the case we can not guarantee that our checks will encompass every facet of every website. The checks we have outlined should serve as a guide to what aspects of the website will be assessed.

Backup Restoration

          We highly recommend that everyone keep their own regularly rotating personal website backups in a secure off server location. While URepHost endeavors to maintain some recent backups of websites, URepHost does not guarantee the availability or integrity of backups. If you do not have a backup of your own that you would like to use to restore your website, please check with the URepHost Support Team before purchasing the Backup Restoration Service. If you purchase this service before verifying that there is a backup available for restoration your refund will be reduced by the amount of processing fees associated with the transaction and the refund. This service provides the process of a backup restoration being performed and does not guarantee or make any claims as to the state of the website after the restoration process has completed.

Malware Assistants

          Malicious code is not allowed in any capacity. All malicious code must be removed in a timely manner in order to prevent suspension, lock down or removal of content. What constitutes a timely manner is determined solely by URepHost. You have the options of addressing the malware yourself, hiring a third party for help or purchasing the Malware Assistance service. Purchase of the Malware Assistance service does not guarantee successful removal of all malicious content or securing all attack vectors. URepHost staff will attempt to successfully render the Malware Assistance service twice. If our efforts to successfully render the Malware Assistance service fail, you will receive a full refund for the Malware Assistance service and your content will be restored to the state it was in before we began work. You will be required to use another option to have the malicious content removed in a timely manner. Successful rendering of the Malware Assistance service means that the content remains clean for a period of 30 days after your passwords are reset by URepHost or the details of where and/or why the inspection has failed have been provided. If the presence of malicious content is detected after the 30 day time frame following the successful rendering of the Malware Assistance service it will be considered a new issue. If you choose to address the malware yourself or hire a third party, the malware must be removed in a timely manner and the remaining content must pass our inspection. If the inspection fails and you want details regarding where or why the inspection has failed, you will need to purchase the Malware Assistance service. Inspections require time, effort and the application of specific skills from staff to identify issues and generate reports. All password resets associated with the Malware Assistance service are free. Your passwords will be reset to something strong for security purposes. You will need to reset your passwords again to something strong to help ensure prolonged security. We highly recommend the use of a password manager. During cleanup your site may experience periods of down time. Removal of malicious code can result in data loss, so we recommend making a backup and keeping it in an off server location before purchasing this service.

Password Reset

          You may have to provide adequate information for identification in order to have your password reset for security purposes. You will not receive a refund for the inability to provide adequate identification information. The adequacy of identification information is determined solely by URepHost. Each person gets 2 free password resets. All subsequent password resets will require the purchase of the Password Reset service. It is your responsibly to request a free password reset in order to use the 2 free password resets allotted. If you pay for a password reset and have not yet used up your 2 free password resets, your payment for the password reset can be applied to the next time you need a password reset. You will not receive a refund for paying for a password reset prior to using up the 2 free password resets.

Website Assistance

          Not all issues may be within the scope of our ability to resolve. This could be due to any number of changes to code, software and/or compatibility. Please be sure to contact us first if there is any doubt that what you will be requesting assistance with is outside the scope of our abilities. If this service is purchased and the item you need assistance with is outside the scope of our abilities, you will receive a refund minus the cost of transaction fees and minus a $10 processing fee.

Restore Price

          Restore prices are only applied if the renewal date has passed and you decide that you want to renew ownership of the domain before it becomes publicly available again. To avoid this fee it is very important that you keep auto renewals on. Wait times between renewal dates and when the domain becomes publicly available can vary, so please open a ticket with us to check on your specific domain wait time. If you are on the fence about renewing a domain we suggest going ahead with the renewal as it will always be cheaper than trying to get a domain back after the renewal time has lapsed.

Purchase Note

All services except the services found in the “Start a Business” section, are only valid for websites hosted by URepHost. Please do not purchase any of the services for websites that are not hosted by URepHost. If a service is purchased for a website that is not hosted by URepHost, your refund will be the amount paid minus transaction fees and minus a $10 processing fee.

Domain Services Clause

Domain Name Registration(s), Transfer(s) and/or Renewal(s) are non-refundable services. Changes to domain name registrations are not permitted by Registry Organizations/Operators and are therefor not able to be permitted by us. Since this is the case, please ensure that you double check the spelling of the domain(s) you intend to purchase before submitting payment information. When a domain is registered or renewed a service fee is paid to the Registry Organization/Operator that manages the domain extension in question. Since the Registry Organizations/Operators do not refund service fees, any and all domain name registrations and/or renewals and/or transfers are non-refundable. The date on which the registry Organization/Operator approves a new domain name registration is the date which will appear in official domain name registration lookups. This is also the first day on which the domain is considered active.

Other Fees Clause

Fees for late payments, charge backs, payment processing and/or refund processing vary by payment processor. Such service and/or penalty fees will be your responsibility to cover. Services may be suspended or terminated until fully successful and accurate payment processing is completed.

Indemnity Clause

By purchasing any URepHost service you agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless URepHost, the owner of URepHost, their respective subsidiaries and affiliates, and their respective trustees, officers, directors, members, shareholders, mangers, partners, successors, agents, guides and employees (Collectively the “Indemnified Parties”) from and against all losses, claims, penalties, expenses, damages, cause of action, judgments, suits or other legal liability and legal expenses of any nature, including, without limitation, reasonable attorney’s fees, imposed upon or brought against them by reason of any act or omission of the service provider or its agent(s) or employee(s) in the course of performing the work of providing the service(s).

By purchasing any URepHost service you acknowledge that you have read, fully understand and accept all disclaimers. By purchasing any URepHost service you acknowledge that you have read, fully understand and accept all additional product information. URepHost does not make any claims regarding the actual success of any business venture. Running the business will still be the responsibility of the client.

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